Compliment the Beauty#26

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12 Mixed Color Rose Bouquet With I Love You Balloon

Is your special someone worth a dozen roses?
Of course they are! Show them how much you care with this stunning bouquet of 12 mixed color roses. Plus, the I Love You balloon is a sweet and romantic touch that is sure to put a smile on their face.
Why settle for anything less than the best? This bouquet is arranged by our expert florists with only the freshest and most beautiful roses. It's perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because.
- 12 mixed color roses
- I Love You balloon
- Beautifully arranged by our expert florists

Note: Balloon design & color may vary.

Important: If these mixed roses are not available, then it would be replaced with the all-red color roses.

Please note: Balloons could be in an inflated or deflated state while delivered in provincial areas. If delivered in a deflated state, a free pumper would be provided along with the balloon, if delivered in an inflated state, no pumper would be provided.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized free message card.

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